Penetration Testing with NMAP — No NonSense
What is NMAP: It is a network mapper i.e., we can map the entire network of an organization
What NMAP can do: It can scans the IP’s, ports, services and etc.
Probe the open ports for running services, if the services are running, it goes further and probes the version of the services. It further look for vulnerabilities associated with the service along with the CVSS score. It identifies the firewall and its version; in some situations, it even bypasses the basic firewall
We can do complete vulnerability management with NMAP, generate reports into different format, which can feed into other security tools
Nmap, intelligently uses ARP scan for LAN and ICMP on WAN(Internet)
Scanning Types: There are many scan types, a few are mentioned below
Port Numbers
Other Options
Timing and Performance
NMAP Output Formats
NMAP Firewall Options
NSE Scripts
Nmap scripts enhance the functionality of NMAP. Whenever you install Nmap, scripts will be installed by default in /usr/share/nmap/scripts folder.
You can find the scripts at this location on kali linux usr/share/nmap/scripts
The scripts file ends with .nse extensions
# ls usr/share/nmap/scripts
# locate *.nse
You can download the scripts from the internet and copy/move them to /usr/share/nmap/scripts folder, later update the nmap database and use the scripts
Download and installing scripts from the internet
# mkdir downloaded-scripts
# cd downloaded-scripts
# mv * /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
# nmap –scripts-updatedbScript browsing
# /usr/share/nmap/scripts
# ls | grep http you will find all http related scripts
# ls | grep smtp you will find all smtp related scripts and so one
Script Usage
# nmap --script <script 1>, <script2>, <script3> -p <port number> -sV <other nmap options> <target>
# nmap -- script <script1> -- script-args= <value| path> - sV <target |range>
# nmap --script vulscan –sV <target |range>
# nmap --script Nmap vulscan, Nmap-vulners, vulns –sV <target |range>
# nmap --script vulscan --script-args vulscandb=exploitdb.csv –sV <target |range>
# nmap -sn -Pn -n --script shodan-api --script-args shodan-api.apikey=<ShodanAPI KEY> <target>
# nmap -sV --script vuln <target> (run all the scripts in vulnerability category)
# nmap -sV --script="version,discovery" <target>(discovery catagory)
# nmap -sV --script "not exploit" <target> (Run all the scripts except for the ones in the exploit category)
# nmap -sV --script "(http-*) and not(http-slowloris or http-brute)" <target> (Run all HTTP scripts except http-brute and http-slowloris)
NSE firewall Scripts
http-waf-detect.nse (for firewall detection)
# nmap –p 80,443 -- script <http-waf-detect> <target> http-waf-fingerprint.nse (for firewall fingerprint)
# nmap –p 80,443 -- script <http-waf-fingerprint> <target>
Vulnerability Scan/Analysis with NMAP
Vulnerability analysis or scan means the same, wherein we scan a particular system for vulnerabilities. Nmap will scan the system, look for open ports, and probe the services running on the open ports including the version number. Then it maps the response against its database and marks the service as vulnerable or not, in some scenarios the nmap will even find the exploits.
Where to look for vulnerability scripts on Kali Linux
# cd /usr/share/nmap/scripts # ls | grep vulnHow to use the scripts
# nmap --script <scriptname> -sV <target | range>
# nmap --script <scriptname> - -script-args= path or values –sV <target | range>
Vulscan Script
Install Nmap Vulscan
# git clone
# mv vulscan /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
# nmap –scripts-updatedbFor updating Vulscan Database
cd vulscan/utilities/updater/
chmod +x
# nmap --script vulscan –sV <target |range>
# nmap --script Nmap vulscan –sV –oX <filename.xml> <target>
# nmap --script vulscan --script-args vulscandb=exploitdb.csv –sV <target |range>Some CSV databases
Vulners Script
Install Nmap Vulners
# git clone
# mv vulscan /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
# nmap –scripts-updatedbUsage
# nmap --script vulners –sV <target |range>
# nmap --script Nmap vulscan, Nmap-vulners –sV <target |range>
# nmap --script vulners --script-args mincvss=5.0 –sV <target>